Well, Christmas is right around the corner and it sure does not feel like it! Maybe it's because the weather is in the high 70's and low 80's during the day. Or perhaps it's because I haven't done a lot of Christmas shopping. Or maybe I have been too busy with school, work, and ministry to even notice. Whatever it is, the same result comes about. But I sure love the Christmas season and I try to enjoy it as much as I can!
I finally got my A.A. degree so now I'm officially done with SPC! It feels great, but it doesn't feel real. It took exactly 4 years to achieve and I got about that much left for my Bachelor's. This will test my patience :P All I know is that God is leading me and my life into full-time ministry. The question is: where? To be honest, I have been trying to figure this out lately. I know that God has given me the passion and burden for youth ministry (and that's what I'm studying right now), but my heart has redirected and I can't quite figure out if it's me or God. Along with youth ministry, I have always had the passion, desire, and burden for foreign missions. The only reason why I didn't pursue it is because God opened more doors to youth ministry than foreign missions. Perhaps that's because I never attempted pursuing foreign missions as well as youth ministry? I couldn't say. I have thought about going into foreign youth ministry, but my heart's desire (as it is tuning in to God's desire) is reaching the unreached and not youth in particular. There are over 3,500 people groups who have never heard the name Jesus Christ and that just kills me. I don't feel like hanging back here in America when many people all over the world are not hearing about Jesus and many Christians are not willing to go out there and share the Gospel. I don't know, maybe this is just a phase or maybe God is truly leading me and I'm actually listening. I just don't understand why I'm feeling this way! I am continuously praying for His guidance and leading and I ask you readers to please pray for me as well. I feel as if I have mistakenly chased my feelings and not God's leading into youth ministry. But as I look at the situation and how everything fell into place, it just seems all too clear that this is where I need to be. As I said, I'm really confused right now. Good thing that it's all in God's hands and not mine :)
I also have the opportunity to give the message to the youth group at Pathways! One thing I failed to do the last two times I did the sermons was to share the Gospel. I regret that. But now, I have the chance again and this time, the Gospel will be proclaimed! I pray that God will work through me and that He will be glorified! Please be praying for that too! It happens on December 28th!
As always, may God be glorified in all things! :)
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